Ozone gas is a form of oxygen. This colorless gas is made up of three oxygen atoms. In the upper atmosphere, a layer of ozone gas protects the earth from the sun’s UV radiation. On ground level, however, ozone is “a harmful air pollutant.” Ozone gas is harmful when a person inhales it, leading to lung and throat irritation, coughing, and worsened asthma symptoms. High exposure can lead to lung damage and can be fatal. However, some researchers believe that ozone can have therapeutic effects in medical contexts. For example, one 2011 review reports that ozone therapy has had the following uses:
- treating arthritis
- fighting viral diseases, such as HIV and SARS
- disinfecting wounds
- activating the immune system
- treating ischemic heart disease
- treating macular degeneration
- treating cancer
Researchers are currently exploring the effects of ozone therapy on the human body to identify any potential therapeutic benefits. Although some research reports that the beneficial effects of ozone therapy are consistent and safe, other sources say that there is not enough evidence to know its true effectiveness or safety. Ozone therapy is an alternative medicine practice that uses ozone gas. It is controversial due to concerns around its effectiveness and safety. Researchers are currently exploring the effects of ozone therapy on the human body to identify any potential therapeutic benefits. Ozone gas is toxic to humans, and there has been little research into the safety of ozone therapy. For this reason, official organizations do not currently support its use. Anyone who has questions about ozone therapy and which treatment is right for them should speak to their doctor.(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)