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Different types of white fat cells detected in humans

Understanding that there are different types in white fat cells has helped researchers to learns more about diseases associated with fat cells. “A central question in our research on metabolic disease is whether white fat cells in different parts of the body, and even within a single part of the body, are different enough that some might predispose you to disease and some might not,” says co-senior author C. Ronald Kahn, a physician and scientist. New treatment methods could be adopted for obesity, diabetes and related conditions. Many previous researches were done on white fat cells of mice. But this is the first time it is done in humans. (Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com) 

Flexible DNA

When confronted with danger, fear spurs a person into defensive actions. This is invaluable as a survival mechanism; however, there is little reason for fear to persist once a threat passes. The brain neutralizes the memory of that feeling with something called “fear extinction.” This process involves a non-fearful memory with similar circumstances competing with the fear memory to try to suppress it. A new study finds that the ability to neutralize fear depends on the flexibility of one’s DNA. Researchers note that the ability to feel fear and then successfully perform fear extinction is key to avoiding conditions such as PTSD and phobias. The research suggests that in order to develop effective therapies for such conditions, it is essential to understand fear extinction.(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)